Children’s Eye Exams in Houston

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In-Depth Eye Exams Tailored for Kids

Eye exams play a crucial role in supporting your child’s eye health and vision. At Pro-Optix Optometry & Dry Eye Center, our optometrists in Houston are dedicated to providing personalized care to each of our young patients, encouraging their curiosity and questions.

Our team of eye doctors believes a positive experience can transform a child’s perception of exams, so we invest our energy in helping kids feel comfortable. By evaluating their visual development and eye health, we can identify signs of potential eye problems.

Book your child’s eye exam and let us help them achieve clear, healthy vision for a brighter future. Visit our eye clinic today! We service Houston, Tanglewood, Galleria, Memorial, and surrounding areas.

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When Do Kids Need Eye Exams?

Every child should have regular comprehensive eye exams to monitor their eye health and visual development. The American Optometric Association recommends that children have:

  • At least one eye exam between ages 3 to 5
  • Yearly exams from first grade to adulthood

Dr. Sana Malik is happy to welcome children aged 3 and up and has plenty of experience making eye exams fun and engaging for kids.

We Want to Make Eye Exams Fun

Whether your child needs a routine eye exam or new glasses, helping kids feel safe and happy is our top priority. We take the time to get to know their favorite superheroes or TV shows, and turn our tests into games to make them fun. We connect with kids, adding a sprinkle of imagination to put them at ease. 

Of course, we also keep our young patients informed every step of the way, balancing that with engaging storytelling to make the experience more enjoyable. Our aim is for both parents and kids to leave with a sense of satisfaction and smiles on their faces.

What Happens During a Child’s Eye Exam?

Eye exams are tailored to your child’s age and individual needs. 

We examine many aspects of overall eye health and various visual skills, such as eye coordination, visual perception, and visual acuity. We use a variety of tools and techniques, from simple eye-cover tests to more detailed slit-lamp examinations (using a light and microscope).

One important step in every child’s exam is dilation, where we administer eye drops so we can get an accurate look at inner eye structures. This takes about 20 minutes, but it is an essential step in evaluating your child’s ocular health.

Why Is Dilation Necessary?

The pupil acts like a camera shutter, controlling how much light enters the eye. During an eye exam, we use light to inspect the eye’s structure. Yet, the pupil naturally shrinks in brighter light, narrowing our view. Dilation creates a wider view for a thorough examination.

Dilation also improves accuracy for measuring refractive errors, like nearsightedness. The eye’s lens continuously adjusts shape for light and distance—imagine performing an exam while a child bounces on a trampoline. Dilation temporarily pauses movement, allowing us to examine the focusing mechanism without disruption.

Visit Us for Your Child’s Eye Exam

At Pro-Optix Optometry & Dry Eye Center, we’re proud to be your partner in safeguarding your child’s vision. Whether it’s your little one’s first eye exam or a back-to-school checkup, we can help them feel at ease.

Our routine eye exams are designed to support your child so they can develop the visual skills they need to succeed in school and life. We also have an extensive collection of frames, so your kids can find a look they love in any color. 

Book your child’s eye exam with Pro-Optix Optometry & Dry Eye Center today.

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Our Address

  • 5885 San Felipe St, Suite 550
  • Houston, TX 77057

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Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 3:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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