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Diabetes and Dry Eye: The Risk Factors In Children & Adolescents

Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin production or the body’s insufficient response to the insulin produced. Over time, high blood glucose levels can impact many parts of the body, including the eyes. Children and adolescents with diabetes are significantly more likely to suffer from dry eye syndrome (DES) than their non-diabetic […]

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How the Environment Can Affect Your Vision and Eye Health

How lucky we are to be born with eyelids, tears and other mechanisms to protect our eyes from wind, dust, and pollution. But that doesn’t make us completely immune to things in the environment that can harm our vision and eye health.  Environmental factors such as pollutants, toxic gasses and chemicals, bacteria, smoking, and ultraviolet […]

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Protect Your Eyes With These Contact Lens Safety Tips

Contact lenses have an excellent safety record – as long as the wearer carefully follows their eye doctor’s instructions. October is Contact Lens Safety Month, so there’s no better time to brush up on safety tips to keep your eyes and vision healthy while wearing contact lenses!  If you have further questions, need to update your prescriptions, […]

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