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Myopia Control: Understanding the Different Treatment Options | Myopia Management in Houston

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Are you or your child struggling with myopia? If so, you’re not alone. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision problem affecting millions worldwide. 

Call us at ProOptix Eye Care in Houston to schedule an eye exam today. 

Did you know that different treatment options are available to help control myopia progression? Let’s dive into the various options and help you understand what they entail.

What Does Myopia Control Mean?

Myopia control is the process of managing and slowing down the progression of myopia. It is essential to control myopia because higher levels of myopia can increase the risk of eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment later in life.

What Are Some of the Most Common Treatment Options for Myopia Control?

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) – Ortho-k involves wearing specialized contact lenses that gently reshape the cornea while you sleep. These lenses are removed in the morning, giving you clear vision throughout the day. Ortho-k has been shown to slow down myopia progression in children and adults.

Multifocal Contact Lenses – Multifocal contact lenses are designed to correct nearsightedness while providing clear vision at other distances. These lenses have been shown to slow down myopia progression in children.

Atropine Eye Drops – Atropine eye drops are applied daily and work by dilating the pupil and temporarily blurring vision at near distances. Atropine eye drops have been shown to reduce myopia progression in children significantly.

Distance Center Multifocal Glasses – Similar to multifocal contact lenses, distance center multifocal glasses correct nearsightedness while providing clear vision at other distances. These glasses have been shown to slow down myopia progression in children.

It is important to note that these treatment options should only be considered after consulting with an eye care professional. 

Call us at ProOptix Eye Care in Houston to schedule an eye exam today. We can help determine the best treatment option for you or your child based on your specific needs and lifestyle.


Written by ProOptix Eye Care

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